Memory is something that nature has blessed to all its living beings. There is inherent need not only to make best use of it but also improve memory on regular basis. Basically memory is the capability of recollecting information or storing the correct information as heard or read which are the two basic forms of learning and understanding things. Memory plays a very important role in human life. There shall exist, no socialism in the absence of memory. Ultimately, if there is no memory, there is a state of devastation. Good memory power is required and expected in this competitive world. If you cannot recollect an information as it is from what you have previously learnt, it is said that you are losing your memory power. When you lose your memory power, there is a possibility of forgetting what and who you are even.
Memory system works in the brain and is considered to be one of the most important works carried out by the Human Brain. It is also a fact that not only humans but also animals have memory power. To put it simple such an activity of the brain, be it human or animals to recollect and process the information is known as the memory power of the brain. Improving memory power is also very mandatory. Memory power is directly related to the IQ of the brain. More the IQ more will be the memory power. By practice and exercise, memory power can be improved to a very large extent.
Concentrate: Now, that’s what most of the people say as a piece of advice wherever you go. But know what? How do we concentrate? If you are one such person wondering about what to do to improve this concentration, you have got a lot of exercises. But, amidst all that, there are a lot of things that you can do easily to improve concentration power. For an example, let us take a very simple and the most common fact of life, eating food. In this generation, most of us do not concentrate as to what we are eating. We are either hooked to the TV or any other recreational media or chat with someone when we take food. But when we really concentrate on what we eat, we do go ahead a step on improving concentration power.
Be Clear: It is not all about how you go with the thing. But it is about how much clear you are about the considered issue. When you are clear about the issue and the thoughts, you shall be motivated.
Learn and Learn: Brains have the tendency to restrain information even though it is so, they don’t do it so easily. A frequent revision becomes mandatory almost all the time. When we frequently learn the same thing again and again, the brain senses and easily recollects the necessary information and accumulates it at the right time and sense. We call this over-learning.
Analyze the Situation: It is mandatory to analyze the situation before proceeding. Nothing will work out in a tensed mood. When thinking about something, just be patient and relaxed. Even if you do not get the answer right away, you will feel the answer within a few hours.
Visualize: Many doctors readily accept that visualizing something is much better than allowing the brain to read and understand. The brain is capable of recollecting images more accurate and faster than text content. Only due to this, many people suggest educating young children through diagrams and figure oriented stuff. With this scheme of education, the concept becomes very clear and the understandability is also increased to a very great extent. Also since the value of the visualizing power is very much increased, the concentration is developed to a very large extent and remembering becomes much easier.
Brain is basically much faster and efficient than the most advanced systems in this world. No computers can be compared with the brain. But, it is up to us to use the brain efficiently. Increasing blood supply to brain via exercises and other activities, giving the brain much amount of work without any strain or stress also improves the brains efficiency. As the brains efficiency is improved, the recollecting power is also improved to a very large extent.
The conscious and the sub conscious mind can do the activities in all the possible ways. Short term memory and long term memory are the two major classifications in memory system. Short term memory remembers things for a few minutes and forgets tem while long term memory retains it for a long time. For example, as you travel in a bus, all the scenes you see outside the bus are stored in short term memory and you forget them. Whilst when you learn something, you don’t forget it. Though both basically are the same, both have a similar function but differ in terms of time.
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