How to become an expert? It is definitely not a simple question. People say that choosing the right job is the most critical decision of life. It decides what we are supposed to be for the rest of our lives. It has the potential to change our whole personality. What they do not say is how this first decision is just the initiation of the long tiresome battle of being successful in life. This battle sucks out the energy from every molecule of our body. There is some preparation required as one go’s along to become an expert.
It is really important for a person to know what to expertise. The increased number of options always lures him to do many things. But a person can be a jack of all trades and can master of only one. Once he knows what to do, he can be focused and dedicated towards completing it. There is always a motive behind doing something. This motive has to be strong or the person would loose inspiration before becoming an expert. Love, money, fame, social acceptance, etc help decide what to do. But a real master is the one who gets motivated by satisfaction in excellence.
Find all sources
To start a new interest, you need to identify all the sources that would be needed for the completion of your target, which is to become an expert. A money source is required to maintain through the costs of learning’s. Time management is required for dedication and continuation of the interest. A guide is needed to learn the basics and maintain the direction of the process. Motivation factor is required to enhance the speed of the interest. A group and a social network are necessary for identifying latest updates and new trends in the field. Also each field has its specific requirements in terms of basic knowledge, skills and accessibility. Accumulation of such resources can be bottle neck in initialization of interest.
Be focused
A focused attitude towards your work with undivided attention will help you to become an expert of it. Focus means to see your goal very clearly. To stay focused in today’s world is very difficult where you have number of distractions hindering your path. One of the ways to overcome these distractions is doing one thing at a time; giving your full attention to the task at hand. Multi-tasking increases strain and hence leads to decrease in efficiency. Also constantly reminding yourself of your goal helps you not to wander away from it.
Be dedicated
Continuously working towards your goal will definitely help you to achieve it. If you have to be an expert at something, work on it regularly. There is a saying “practice makes a man perfect”. Well this is true. Quantity of work also is important along with quality. Efforts have no substitute and if you work consistently you will surely succeed at gaining expertise at the task in hand. Trying is the only key to expertise. Divide your task into smaller ones and master all of them step by step. This will ultimately make you an expert at the entire task.
Be judgmental: criticize
A man can be his best critic. If he knows the highs and lows of the business he is in, if he is aware of his strength and weakness; half of the work is already done. It is quite important for a person who wants to become a master that she maintains a scope of self improvement. Proper eye on every minute detail of self created art would produce a master piece. A person can learn maximum from himself. To have a critical perspective, the person needs to let go of creative perspective and view the creation like an observer.
Be updated
Technology and science are moving at a supersonic pace. New techniques are being invented every day. To be the best at some thing, a person must be aware of all the latest happenings. Internet, social network, forums, coffee house, newspapers, editorials, etc always flaunt some new concept in the respective field. Even the most innovative mind can gain from these resources. This periodic update will enhance the skills of a person and provide him with new tools to create a better version of his art. It is for those who seek knowledge, who would seek science over power and a new idea over politics.
It becomes imperative to make an ideal time management scheme if you want to be an expert. Some of the following steps can be implemented to make sure you manage time better. Prioritize your daily work in a proper manner. You must invest in a good planner thus helping you to manage time better.
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